Friday, December 30, 2016


Hey, I am back. I alway decide to do something then at some point I stop. I told myself I will write and post stuff here, but I stopped months ago. 

 Now I am back. I should post something. Anything. So I was reading about scary stories when I remembered that I actually have a scary story to tell. ( I have a lot of other scary stories, okay not a lot but some.. I find this the most annoying one) 

This is a TRUE event that happened few years ago.

Not Based on True events

It is a true one. 

So Brace yourself to be scared. 

I prefer you read this at night might be scarier πŸ‘»

Alright Alright I am going to tell the story. 

We were in a city called Cochin in India.
 A summer vacation. 
I shared the hotel room with my sisters.
 I am one of those people who can’t sleep with noises or lights on. So light sleeper I guess.
One cold and dark night. ( I am sure it was cold and very very dark) πŸ’€

 The TV in the room had an English music channel and when it was on it was always on that channel. So one night we were all asleep.
 I woke up cuze the TV was on!
The lights were off, and TV was on an Indian channel. 
I turned towards my sisters called their names. No answer they were sleeping like babies. 
So I looked for the remote and turned it off.
 I went back to sleep and I don’t know for how long but I woke up again. 
TV was on, and the same Indian Channel ( I assume I don’t really know it was just Indian people talking). 
Again I called my sisters names “Guys this is not funny! Are you pranking me” but they were really sleeping!!😱

I got out of the bed went to the power point thingy and turned it off. 
Went back to sleep. 
And I am not kidding for the third time woke up cuze the TV was on. 
Now I started to freak out.
 I told myself, don’t act scared they will smell your fears (by “they” I mean the demons “Jin” πŸ‘ΊπŸ‘») 
so this time I did not say anything like accusing my sisters of pranking me.
 I just got out of bed and took off the TV power cable and went as normally as possible back to bed. Said my prayers and fall asleep. 
Ya you guessed it right (or not) 
Anyway, the TV went back on AGAIN even though it was not connected to the power! 😨
And Now I was angrier than scared to be honest I WANT TO SLEEP. 😑

So I thought okay so they want to annoy me and they won’t stop.
 All I had to do is force myself to sleep with the TV on. 
And the TV was not even on low volume it was high so annoying!!

I don’t know how long it took me to sleep but I did without turning the TV off. 
Next morning I woke up with the TV off obviously and my sisters had no idea what happened. I told them though.
Lucky us it was our last night at the hotel.
What I learned from this experience is always act like nothing is happening or bothering me when something supernatural is happening. Like if I see a flying baby in a dark room flying I would just be cool and walk like I am not seeing it.

The End.


Let me tell you one more scary thing that happened to me long long time ago. I was a teen I think in a road trip to Salalh ( Oman) 
We stopped at one of those motels on the road. 
we all shared a room.

I don't know what time it was but I woke up cuze I heard someone crying and saying "mama" 
I looked around everyone was sleeping and I thought someone must be dreaming. 
went back to sleep but I had a feeling that someone or something was awake.
I looked around it was dark but
next to the bathoom door, was a shape of someone who was setting 
I could not see it clearly it was just a dark shape of a human. 
I looked at my siblings they were all sleeping. 
I was so scared so I covered my head with the blanket and I still heard the sound of crying. 
I don't know how but I fall asleep. 

I don't think I told anyone this at that time cuze I thought they will make fun of me being scared. 

The End

No more ghost stories.