Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Pursuit of Sadness?

Alright first, I have not seen the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness" and I don't think I will now. 

So, I always wanted to write about this but I never get the time and never in a mood to write it.
 Now I do. 
Lately, I have this weird feeling of sadness. I don't know why. 

As soon as you feel the sadness in you, your brain start fishing out all the little things that make you sad. Just to add more reasons to be sad.

Eden says in his song " Drugs"
 Things I would rather be Thoughts at the back of my head, But I'm addicted to hurting

So could a person be addicted to sadness?
 Unfortunately, I believe this true.
At this point of my life, I am telling you I can't answer if someone asks me if I am truly happy?
I don't know.
Because when I get this question my brain immediately reminds me of all the things that made me sad.
I am pretty sure I am not the only person who feels this way, right?
The thing with Sadness is if you decide to do something that makes you happy to forget this sad feelings you have, it will only be temporary.
I am happy when I am with my best friends
 I am happy when I am watching a show I waited for it for so long
I will be super happy when The Last of us and kingdom hearts 3 get released
I am happy when I hear good news about the people I care about
I am happy at the gym

You get the point, happiness is just for a moment
My friends will go back to their life and I will be alone
Shows will end
I will finish the games
And good news happiness don't even last that much
Gym time is like 2 hours maximum

I hope I am not making you depressed reading this.
I am being honest with you.

I believe that we chase the sadness in our life.
and there is nothing we can do about it.
Some people might tell you:
you are doing this to yourself
your fault
think happy thoughts
read Quran & pray

But nothing will work out.
So the thing I do whenever I feel sad is reminding myself of the important things
I am alive
I am healthy
I am safe

Life is too short to not letting go of the past, and letting go of all the thoughts that make you sad
I know
but it is such a hard thing to do
We are addicted to Sadness
It is an addiction

So it is easier to just enjoy living the moments in your life

I just keep living

That's all for now