Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A monster at work

A monster at work

Don’t be scared I won’t bite you. I don’t know why I even choose this title. I am kidding I think it is me I am a monster at work.
 Anyway, from the title I am hoping you will get what I am about to tell you.

Growing up I was really kind, and easy going person. I would probably forgive you if you stabbed my back and then said sorry. I thought all people were nice all of them were kind, I was wrong.

If you knew me years ago you would probably say oh that Alyaa she was so nice! So kind so quiet. Strangers would say "I think she is a nice person" 
BUT and this is a big but, I am not so kind anymore.
This whole thing started after few years since I started working. Sometimes I think it is a good thing sometimes not.
Fact: people are rude and mean. If you keep being nice to them they will eat you alive. You won't survive. 

It all started when this Lady in this meeting said to me “why are you smiling with that guy” and she hinted that we were in “relationship" or something. It was in a meeting in front of people!!. So to my surprise I only replied with “not your business” and good thing he did not understand Arabic and did not understand a single word she said. It would have been awkward. 
 (he might end up reading this so if you do let me know :P ) 
I was so mad cuze I did not reply with more and went and cried outside as I was frustrated but did not say a thing to her face more than that. 
That was the last time I cried at work. I sent an official email to her CC’d my boss saying that what she said was unacceptable and should not happen again. Not going to bore you with details but we exchanged few emails I was so professional but on point, she was not. Also my boss finally replied to one of her emails defending me and saying it was not acceptable. 
 Anyway guess what, she did not dare to say or throw words like she used to at me! She was careful of what she says. And I don’t see her anymore so that is good.
Fact: Some of my coworkers actually ask my advice when they want to reply to some emails cuze I can be mean and point out things but in a professional way xD

 I heard things people said behind my back that was wrong and made me realize people would never be satisfied with you they will look for anything to talk about. No matter what you do there is something for them to talk about while drinking their morning karak. 
After a while,  I became a little bit rude to people around me. I would not just shut up when I see something I don’t like. Sometimes I reply to things quickly and regret it later specially if it was to my coworkers and  I end up apologizing.

Seriously it is basically like bullying, if you say nothing to those people they will keep treating you the same. So I learned to fight back for my rights I do it for myself. 
 I gave up trying being nice at work.
Now ask the new employees at work about me they will say “Alyaa probably hates me” why because I am always professional not friendly with new people. I don’t have to like them all and they don’t have to like me. This is work not friendship zone. To some, it is even more like a war zone!
So ya I learned from work a lot on how to be tough how to not be fooled by people how to not care about what they think personally of me. I made few friends from work and I love them. But some people are just coworkers to me and I respect them. Do that and you will never be frustrated at work. Unless you do your damn job and never get appreciated.

Also some of the people who said that I was rude or hate them when they first met me, they will probably tell you I am a nice person after few months (if they are nice to me obviously and not the gossiping two faced creatures)

Fact: I met a friend from highschool and told her stories that happened to me at work and how I dealt with them and she was shocked! she said you are a whole different person now. Guess what, she also changed from this quiet nice person to this tough reasonable person and we laughed about it. 

Okay probably not a monster but hopefully you got the idea. 


  1. Glad you are back.

    My story might be the same as yours.

    Thing is my boss was a ladies man himself, he wanted me to befriend me and go to hit on girls. I kid you not.

    It all started when I recommended a girl for a job, she was a good friend of mine. After she got hired they all looked at us funny and though that I hired my girlfriend.

    People love to judge others, makes them feel good about themselves. It was true especially to my "ladies man boss"

    So please don't let one incident ruin you, a lot of good people out there that are as nice as you "used to be"

    Please as you brought back your blog, bring us back the very nice you.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  2. OMG!! Alyaa seriously I loved it. the whole story is meaningful for you and for me too.

    The first part about you being nice to everyone is exactly the same with me, I was bullied and people made fun of me with many nicknames and sh*t talks but I was so nice and I even laughed on myself to make them laugh and get new friends (which I totally regret and hate about myself) I had a very tough and hard time at school but when I was a kid it when I reached High School I changed, I become the one who won't let u dare to say any stupid word to him, I fought with everyone for silly things I've changed and am glad thatvam not the old nice kind peaceful me. THANKS GOD ����

    The second part when you talked about the job I had the same experience in my training course at college I was helping other students doing their jobs guys and girls and suddenly people kept saying am helping this specific girl cuz she's pretty and they forget that I was helping everyone there no exceptions, but that's how it works with people they leave the good thing and focus on the worst or negative thing!! And after reading what you wrote about the work am about to start my new job and I guess I'll be strict and focusing on the job not giving shit about others or making jock or being nice to them.

    Thanks Alyaa for shearing what's on ur mind and welcome back, I really missed reading your blog I had to read same story many times and it's my first time to leave a comment or reply but this story is so ME that's why I couldn't resist not writing.. and plz be ur self I know that you are one of The nicest people I follow on twitter if not the nicest and I do really respect you be yourself and don't give a f*ck about what people say cuz I know you are strong.
    Thanks again Alyaa ����♥️

    1. you are welcome thank you for reading this and sharing your story
