Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year !

New year New Me 


First post of 2018 

whoever is reading this
my fans
 ( yes I like to think that I have fans) 

It is that time of the year
The beginning of something
 The time when all of you say " New Year New Me"
Most of you start writing goals and resolutions to achieve in it 
Most of you then forget about these goals in February 

I am trying to remember what kind of goals I set for myself on 2017 
The thing is I only told myself that I would be a healthier person on 2017 
That I will reach 64 KG by the end of it
I ended up reaching my goal
That's good right?

Anyway, if you ask what are my goals this year, I would say nothing 
This year I want to live in the moment 
I don't want to think 
I don't want to plan things 
call me lazy I don't care
This year will be the year I do whatever makes me happy
This year I will be selfish 
I will put Alyaa above everything else
I am so tired of worrying about people
worrying about things I can't control 
cuze what's the point I can't change things 
What I should do is worry about the things I can control 
My happiness 
I am not going to be a bitch and not care about my friends and family 
I will 
If I can help 
I will
But I won't let it take over me

People keep saying do this and do that ( business projects) 
I don't feel like it
Just cuze everyone is having their own business ( probably related to food burgers, cake, blah blah) 
That does not mean we all should do that
also note: STOP WITH THE BURGER BUSINESS seriously enough is enough 
and what's up with the whole Bbq basket thingy 
you all are so damn lazy to prepare for a Bbq 
People also keeps praying that I will be married by the end of this year 
and I say MEH
I wish they pray for my happiness more than getting married
Yes I am old 
but that does not mean I MUST get married and settle down 

I am happy the way my life is now 
I have a job 
I have a monthly Salary that I DO MY BEST TO SAVE 
but it just keeps flying SMH
I will enjoy this year 
I will buy all the things that make me happy 
Also I will try and give more to charities 
volunteer more
be healthier 
go to the gym more ( and no injuries PLZ) 

I will do try to write more I promise 
but then I am lazy so 

So if you reading this, let me know if you have any goals for 2018 

and again happy new year !


  1. This is so beautiful!

    Like you, I don't have any goals set for this year. I'm just going to live in the moment, enjoy what life has to offer me and do whatever makes me feel good.

    Happy new year!

    1. we gotta make sure to enjoy it ! hopefully will be a good year!

      thank you for reading

  2. في عام 2016 عشت بهذه الطريقة واستطيع القول أنها من افضل سنوات حياتي على الاطلاق، لذلك بالتوفيق في التسكع وقضاء وقت ممتع

    تقريباً جميع الاهداف اللي سعيت لها في 2017 فشلت فيها، لذلك انتقلت هذه الاهداف لهذا العام، وخمني شو بسوي؟ بسعى لها مرة ثانية حتى تتحقق / نشبة. أهم هدف من بينهم انشاء تجارة صغيرة ولا لن تكون تجارة برقر لوووول. نسأل الله التوفيق.

    شكرًا على البوست، اتحفي الفانز مالج بتدوينة واحدة على الاقل كل شهر

    1. ان شاء الله تكون سنه حلوه و اتسكع للأبد
      بالتوفيق في تحقيق اهداف ٢٠١٧ و شس حلو التجاره بس اهم شي مب برقر بدعي لك بالنجاح دائما

      شكرا على التعليق و ان شاء الله بكتب اكثر في المدونة

  3. I like your plan for 2018! May this year be filled with happiness and joy for you... this post reflects my thoughts about what i want from this year too! I pray to be able to find happiness this year and to be able to start saving properly LOL im the worst! Im also gonna try to worry less... which is hard but Im sick of being anxious over things I cant control!! We’ve got this hun!

    1. thank you for commenting ! and ya I wish the same to you! also LOL at saving cuze same XD
