Friday, December 30, 2016


Hey, I am back. I alway decide to do something then at some point I stop. I told myself I will write and post stuff here, but I stopped months ago. 

 Now I am back. I should post something. Anything. So I was reading about scary stories when I remembered that I actually have a scary story to tell. ( I have a lot of other scary stories, okay not a lot but some.. I find this the most annoying one) 

This is a TRUE event that happened few years ago.

Not Based on True events

It is a true one. 

So Brace yourself to be scared. 

I prefer you read this at night might be scarier πŸ‘»

Alright Alright I am going to tell the story. 

We were in a city called Cochin in India.
 A summer vacation. 
I shared the hotel room with my sisters.
 I am one of those people who can’t sleep with noises or lights on. So light sleeper I guess.
One cold and dark night. ( I am sure it was cold and very very dark) πŸ’€

 The TV in the room had an English music channel and when it was on it was always on that channel. So one night we were all asleep.
 I woke up cuze the TV was on!
The lights were off, and TV was on an Indian channel. 
I turned towards my sisters called their names. No answer they were sleeping like babies. 
So I looked for the remote and turned it off.
 I went back to sleep and I don’t know for how long but I woke up again. 
TV was on, and the same Indian Channel ( I assume I don’t really know it was just Indian people talking). 
Again I called my sisters names “Guys this is not funny! Are you pranking me” but they were really sleeping!!😱

I got out of the bed went to the power point thingy and turned it off. 
Went back to sleep. 
And I am not kidding for the third time woke up cuze the TV was on. 
Now I started to freak out.
 I told myself, don’t act scared they will smell your fears (by “they” I mean the demons “Jin” πŸ‘ΊπŸ‘») 
so this time I did not say anything like accusing my sisters of pranking me.
 I just got out of bed and took off the TV power cable and went as normally as possible back to bed. Said my prayers and fall asleep. 
Ya you guessed it right (or not) 
Anyway, the TV went back on AGAIN even though it was not connected to the power! 😨
And Now I was angrier than scared to be honest I WANT TO SLEEP. 😑

So I thought okay so they want to annoy me and they won’t stop.
 All I had to do is force myself to sleep with the TV on. 
And the TV was not even on low volume it was high so annoying!!

I don’t know how long it took me to sleep but I did without turning the TV off. 
Next morning I woke up with the TV off obviously and my sisters had no idea what happened. I told them though.
Lucky us it was our last night at the hotel.
What I learned from this experience is always act like nothing is happening or bothering me when something supernatural is happening. Like if I see a flying baby in a dark room flying I would just be cool and walk like I am not seeing it.

The End.


Let me tell you one more scary thing that happened to me long long time ago. I was a teen I think in a road trip to Salalh ( Oman) 
We stopped at one of those motels on the road. 
we all shared a room.

I don't know what time it was but I woke up cuze I heard someone crying and saying "mama" 
I looked around everyone was sleeping and I thought someone must be dreaming. 
went back to sleep but I had a feeling that someone or something was awake.
I looked around it was dark but
next to the bathoom door, was a shape of someone who was setting 
I could not see it clearly it was just a dark shape of a human. 
I looked at my siblings they were all sleeping. 
I was so scared so I covered my head with the blanket and I still heard the sound of crying. 
I don't know how but I fall asleep. 

I don't think I told anyone this at that time cuze I thought they will make fun of me being scared. 

The End

No more ghost stories. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Big girls don't cry

I am pretty sure that growing up you were told "big ( girls/boys) don't cry".
But we do.
I think I cry more now than I used to when I was a kid. I cry for different reasons.
As an adult the reason for my tears are more complicated than before.
For example, I cry when I see someone I care about is crying and hurt.
I cry because I feel a physical pain.
I cry when I am frustrated about something.
I cry when I am angry.
Mostly though I cry watching tv shows/ movies and reading books. (which is a lot)

But I never cried because I was hungry.
I never cried because I felt unsafe.
I never cried because I had no home or shelter.
I never cried out of fear of someone hurting me.
and so on..

So I am thankful for that.
I remind myself that bad things happened but instead of living in the past talking about how this bad thing made me feel how I was hurt emotionally etc.. I think positively, you know why because I am 100% sure I can't change the past what is done is done.
So why live in the past why do we suffer by thinking about the past about the things that hurt us at one point.. ? pain will never go away those memories will always be there.

I don't like those people who overreact about things that happened in their life like it never happened before to any other person, and they start acting like a drama queen. They try to sink you in with their problems, which you can't solve so what is the point of talking about them... and complaining about every single bad thing that ever happened. why not counting the good things that happened too..
Why focusing on bad things..

Think positively! it really helps. I am not a life coach and I am not giving lessons on how to be positive. But always look at the bright side. I try doing that. Always reminding myself about the good things in my life when I feel down or sad.

When life sucks I keep myself busy, I watch tv shows, I hangout with my friends.. and there you go my mood changes even for just few hours.

I was told once that I am careless, that I don't care about things.. which is not true I care about a lot of things and a lot of things frustrate me and make me mad.. but the silly things that stop your world from going on don't affect me.
Not over thinking about them made me happier.
Thinking about all the good things in my life, made me appreciate it more.

Anyway if you are still reading this I hope you got my point, I was told that I suck at explaining things.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

But.. You are not German.


Hope you are excited for the Euro2016.
In case you did not noticed I am a Die Mannschaft fan !!

And it all started when I was a teen who had nothing to do and decided to watch the world cup.

It was 2002 and I remember I heard my family saying KSA will play so they were supporting them. But after the first goal by Klose I was cheering for Germany. It ended 8-0. I still remember all the goals!

Anyway after that, I started looking for all Mannschaft related news. I did not watch the other games but I did watch the final match and I felt sad when they lost. :(

Moving on 2006, I saw few games and I liked Bastian in addition to Klose and Kahn ! and Then Lahm and also they did not win! 3rd place that year. However I had access to internet so I started googling the players I liked and then I was introduced to FC Bayern !

After that I followed FC Bayern news watched few matches and I loved them. But I was not able to watch all the games.

Then it was 2010 and it was again the world cup, ( I missed the Euros so far btw) and Go Germany but they did not! however, I watched almost all the games and it was fun. Spain won the world Cup.

After that Spain won the Euro cup as well, and I watched most of the games too!

So you can say that by 2012 I was a true Mannschaft and FC Bayern Fan. This Year 2012 sucked for FC Bayern if you remember. I remember staying up late for the UCL final it sucked! I hate penalties.

After that game I told myself, Alyaa this next season you will watch all Bayern's Matches all games! this year will be better and it did! The year I never missed a Bayern game they won the Triple! 2012/2013!
( You are welcome by the way I think I was a good luck charm to them)

Then comes the world Cup 2014, which I remember all the people I know at least once told me " You are not German" especially when it was against Algeria. Some people told ,me you should support Algeria and cheer for them cuze they were Arab, and I was like " Deutschland uber alles" then they made Hitler and Nazi jokes .. but who care ! we won the world cup!!

You got the idea now, it all started with that day in which I decided to support KSA and ended up falling in love with Germany. Then fell in love with Bastian, Lahm which introduced me to Bayern.

( you see I was really sad when Bastian moved out of Bayern because he was the reason I even watched a Bayern match in the first place)

I know I am not German but I will always cheer for them no matter who they play against ! unless it is UAE !

And always will be a Bayern fan ! So Mia San Mia !

Also this Euro, Deutschland Slogan is Jeder Fuer Jeden which is all for one and one for all ! so use the hashtag when tweeting about Germany!!


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Me Before You..

Hello again! 

For those who read a book that has the same name of this Post *High Five* can't wait for the movie!

But this is not about the book. I just think that the thing I want to talk about in this post suits this phrase.

Me Before You..

Growing up I always wanted to make people proud of me.. notice me.. tell me "What a great job you did there"
Attention seeker maybe I am not sure. I did things because I was told to do it! I was told that I was good at it.

First of all I wanna share with you a memory.

I was a teen not sure how old I was but I liked this teacher and I wanted her to think of me as the best student. So one day my classmates had the courage to copy a test that we were going to have as the teacher left for urgent call and left her papers in (including the exam). So I refused to copy the questions. Then I thought this is it, I would tell the teacher that and she will appreciate it and I would be her favourite. Without thinking I did it. Not a smart decision. First of all the principal decided to punish the whole class (even me!). Then somehow the girls knew it was me ! The snitch ! how dare I told the teacher. So they bullied me for months. At first no one talked to me. Then my friends decided to forgive me for that and slowly they forgot about it at the end. Lucky me only bullied for months were others get that for years.. (but bulling is a whole different thing to talk about)

So going back to Me Before You.. Me trying to be good student trying to make the teacher like me lead to this poor choice.. not that what they did was right .. but the reasons for my action were not right...I did it because I thought the teacher will be pleased with me...

At high school I noticed that I am good at writing. In arabic class we had this exam where you choose to write a short story or an essay about something and I did the short story. My teacher loved it. I don't remember what it was about honestly but she said " You should do that more"
So I did because she said so.
Then I entered a competition for young writers and I won first place.
All Good right?
After that I stopped sharing my writings with that teacher with those people who liked it ( because I moved to another school) and at that moment I had no one to tell me it was good so I stopped. I did not want to share it with the new people I met at the school cuze I was afraid they would not like it.. so I gave it up.

At one point I asked myself why do I give up on things. But I did not answer it.

Moving on,,,about 5 years ago someone told me I should go to the gym and I should eat healthy so I did that for a while I tried to change, then I stopped talking to this person and I stopped going to the gym. Again I gave another thing up. Because I did not do it for me.. did not do it for the right reasons..

And this was a wake up call for me, why do I keep doing things because others told me to.. Doing things because I want to impress people. I was not thinking about myself. I never stopped and looked at a mirror and asked myself what do you want Alyaa..

So after that I said to myself I am going back to the gym, why because I want to be healthy I want to be active and I liked it. For me for my own sake and I did not care about the people telling me oh you go to the gym but you still eat fast food and blah blah.. Whatever I am doing ( my lifestyle) is working for me and it makes me happy so I am going to keep doing it. I am still doing it.

Few years ago also I decided to go back to writing cuze I like writing. Even though I am not aiming to publish a book. Although a part of me is still afraid no one will care about my writings, the other part is telling me "Good Job Alyaa do it ! write all the things you want" "Do that novel" "write those ideas". It is okay if no one reads it or like it.

Because I am doing it for me first. Then for you to enjoy to kill time when you are bored.

To end this long post, I hope you get what I am trying to say.

Do things because you want to not because someone told you to.
Do things because it makes you happy.
You want to sing but people are telling you that you sound like a cow.. well to the hell with them! you go a head sing wherever you are ! if it makes you happy do it all the time.
You like dancing ! Dance your heart out! who cares if you suck who cares if people laugh !
People will alway try to pull you down but don't make them success !! don't make them ruin the things you like! so Just Do It. whatever, makes you happy. Always.

To quote my favourite book:

Live boldly. Push yourself. Don't settle - Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

P.S: Dear people who ride along with me.. Yes I know I don't have a good voice but it is my car and I will sing along to all the songs like I am auditioning for a singing competition ! and you will shut up and listen or go get a taxi

Friday, May 13, 2016

The Perks of Being a .. Shopaholic ?

Why the "?" because I want you to ask yourself. I want you to think is being a shopaholic a good thing ?!
Some of you ( I am assuming A LOT of people will be reading this) might say: 
"ugh Shopping sucks !"
"I only shop because I have to" 
"it is a an addiction and need to be stopped/ treated"

Fine you can say or think whatever you want #HATERSGONNAHATE stop reading this and go back to doing whatever makes you happy. (Unless you want to know my point of view although you hate shopping, or have nothing else to do)

So enough with introduction and let me tell you all about being a Shopaholic.

Mini Alyaa with no job still a kid loved getting new things but the process of getting new things was hard and boring and no fun. Made shopping not a happy experience to Mini Alyaa.
Why you may wonder? because it would be something like this.
Mini Alyaa: Mama I want this t-shirt
Mama: For what ?
Mini Alyaa: to wear..? ( confused face)
Mama: yes but for when and for what and you have million of t-shirts ... ?

So you got me ? I grew up having everything I needed not complaining ( thank you Parents). But sometimes you just want things that you don't need and you can't get it because it is not your money it is your parents'.

Lets come back to Alyaa nowadays. I have a job I have a steady income ( Thank you Allah ) So a Shopaholic was born on 2010.

The Perks of Being a Shopaholic:
When I feel bad and stressed from work, family or whatever. Going to shopping malls staring at those pretty things that I can afford make me happy. You might say this is a shallow thing. But it dose make me happy so what is the harm of doing it.
Another good thing is that, after buying things and realizing you don't need it anymore, you can always gift to Charity.
However, now I control it. It is not like I am broke I am not! My shopaholic level is little bit above normal.

Note that I said afford. Being a shopaholic might have a bad effect if you can't control yourself!
For me the few things I can't control:

  • Buying books although I have like 100 of books at home to read
  • Buying Videogames although I have not finished playing what I currently have
You get the idea? this goes for shoes too..and tops ( Shirt - T-shirts.. etc..)

Finally let me help you out ( a positive thing out of this nonsense post)

How to control it? (Because if you don't know,, It is an addiction .. or so I have read so it is serious and I will try to be serious now)

  1. IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY DO NOT GO SHOPPING ( see simple, pay your pills first and if you end up with little money do not go shopping this month) You can always use apps that track your spending this way you might control it. ( Note that I don't do that cuze I keep forgetting to add spendings in the app)
  2. Always ask yourself ( and this helped me a lot) Do I need this? if yes then get it duh!! If no then turn around close your eyes think about Coffee ( things that make you happy "another safe addiction" ) and get out of that shop.
  3. Don't enter shops that attract you ( for me book shops and video games shops ) you can go there when you have a certain thing on your mind. If not don't go just to view the shops because the shop will seduce you and there is no going out without buying things.
  4. Take a friend with you shopping who like saying No. ( Me: OMG look this is the new ... Friend: Hell No get out) ( I had a friends once Pinch me if i said I want to buy things I don't need, I ended up with bruises but did not buy things I don't need #FriendShipGoals )
  5. A friend once told me to write a shopping list before going to malls. If it is not on the list don't buy it. 
  6. Do not be fooled by those who work at shops (sales people) of course they will tell you a thing looks good on you or that you need this or that you look like a princess in this. Lies. They just want you to buy things from their shop. Trust only close friends and family cuze they will tell you when things look ugly on you! 
  7. Entering a pharmacy, you will be told your face is poor and you will feel bad and ugly. You will be offered by the sales person a products to make you pretty. (here in UAE it happens a lot that is why I hate going to pharmacies at malls) before they used to trick me and I end up buying things that will bright my face and later I don't use it anyway. Now I just tell them I like the under eye dark circles and looking tired and being fat, then they will stop talking to convince you to buy things ( not kidding it works!, I told that to the sales person offering me a face cream she just stared at me confused and I left the pharmacy getting what I need only) 
  8. You can just ignore my post and go shopping now ( oh wait it is not helping controlling it ! damn it) 

I talked a lot and I am not sure If I made sense. But alway remember to give. There are a lot of Charity  and if you earn a steady income make a steady donation. 

So it is up to you, is Shopaholic a good thing or not. 
To me as I mentioned above, is a good thing if you know how to control it. 
Do I follow the advices I mentioned above honestly most of the times. Not always. But it helped and I am hoping this will be useful to you. 

Finally, Happy Friday the 13th ! 

"Whoever said money doesn’t buy happiness doesn’t know where to shop"
  Blair Waldorf