Friday, May 13, 2016

The Perks of Being a .. Shopaholic ?

Why the "?" because I want you to ask yourself. I want you to think is being a shopaholic a good thing ?!
Some of you ( I am assuming A LOT of people will be reading this) might say: 
"ugh Shopping sucks !"
"I only shop because I have to" 
"it is a an addiction and need to be stopped/ treated"

Fine you can say or think whatever you want #HATERSGONNAHATE stop reading this and go back to doing whatever makes you happy. (Unless you want to know my point of view although you hate shopping, or have nothing else to do)

So enough with introduction and let me tell you all about being a Shopaholic.

Mini Alyaa with no job still a kid loved getting new things but the process of getting new things was hard and boring and no fun. Made shopping not a happy experience to Mini Alyaa.
Why you may wonder? because it would be something like this.
Mini Alyaa: Mama I want this t-shirt
Mama: For what ?
Mini Alyaa: to wear..? ( confused face)
Mama: yes but for when and for what and you have million of t-shirts ... ?

So you got me ? I grew up having everything I needed not complaining ( thank you Parents). But sometimes you just want things that you don't need and you can't get it because it is not your money it is your parents'.

Lets come back to Alyaa nowadays. I have a job I have a steady income ( Thank you Allah ) So a Shopaholic was born on 2010.

The Perks of Being a Shopaholic:
When I feel bad and stressed from work, family or whatever. Going to shopping malls staring at those pretty things that I can afford make me happy. You might say this is a shallow thing. But it dose make me happy so what is the harm of doing it.
Another good thing is that, after buying things and realizing you don't need it anymore, you can always gift to Charity.
However, now I control it. It is not like I am broke I am not! My shopaholic level is little bit above normal.

Note that I said afford. Being a shopaholic might have a bad effect if you can't control yourself!
For me the few things I can't control:

  • Buying books although I have like 100 of books at home to read
  • Buying Videogames although I have not finished playing what I currently have
You get the idea? this goes for shoes too..and tops ( Shirt - T-shirts.. etc..)

Finally let me help you out ( a positive thing out of this nonsense post)

How to control it? (Because if you don't know,, It is an addiction .. or so I have read so it is serious and I will try to be serious now)

  1. IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY DO NOT GO SHOPPING ( see simple, pay your pills first and if you end up with little money do not go shopping this month) You can always use apps that track your spending this way you might control it. ( Note that I don't do that cuze I keep forgetting to add spendings in the app)
  2. Always ask yourself ( and this helped me a lot) Do I need this? if yes then get it duh!! If no then turn around close your eyes think about Coffee ( things that make you happy "another safe addiction" ) and get out of that shop.
  3. Don't enter shops that attract you ( for me book shops and video games shops ) you can go there when you have a certain thing on your mind. If not don't go just to view the shops because the shop will seduce you and there is no going out without buying things.
  4. Take a friend with you shopping who like saying No. ( Me: OMG look this is the new ... Friend: Hell No get out) ( I had a friends once Pinch me if i said I want to buy things I don't need, I ended up with bruises but did not buy things I don't need #FriendShipGoals )
  5. A friend once told me to write a shopping list before going to malls. If it is not on the list don't buy it. 
  6. Do not be fooled by those who work at shops (sales people) of course they will tell you a thing looks good on you or that you need this or that you look like a princess in this. Lies. They just want you to buy things from their shop. Trust only close friends and family cuze they will tell you when things look ugly on you! 
  7. Entering a pharmacy, you will be told your face is poor and you will feel bad and ugly. You will be offered by the sales person a products to make you pretty. (here in UAE it happens a lot that is why I hate going to pharmacies at malls) before they used to trick me and I end up buying things that will bright my face and later I don't use it anyway. Now I just tell them I like the under eye dark circles and looking tired and being fat, then they will stop talking to convince you to buy things ( not kidding it works!, I told that to the sales person offering me a face cream she just stared at me confused and I left the pharmacy getting what I need only) 
  8. You can just ignore my post and go shopping now ( oh wait it is not helping controlling it ! damn it) 

I talked a lot and I am not sure If I made sense. But alway remember to give. There are a lot of Charity  and if you earn a steady income make a steady donation. 

So it is up to you, is Shopaholic a good thing or not. 
To me as I mentioned above, is a good thing if you know how to control it. 
Do I follow the advices I mentioned above honestly most of the times. Not always. But it helped and I am hoping this will be useful to you. 

Finally, Happy Friday the 13th ! 

"Whoever said money doesn’t buy happiness doesn’t know where to shop"
  Blair Waldorf


  1. I'm not a shopaholic, but my mother is, and whenever I'm going out with her I'm the one that has to tell her "you don't need this. you don't need that" all the time. She doesn't always listen to me.

    1. it is hard to listen to others when you really like something even if you don't need it. XD
