Wednesday, December 12, 2018

This is me

Once upon a time, maybe 10 years ago. I was young I was still discovering the world. However, I got engaged. It was alright at first and I thought things will be good. However, my family started to have problems with the man. Things that they thought show that he was not ready to have a family and to be honest I was confused and I thought that they knew better than me so when they said we should break up, I said okay. It was a good decision, I was young I was not ready to have a family of my own. He was not meant to be with me. So all good. No one’s fault. I never spoke ill of him.

Moving on, 7 years ago, I got engaged again. This time my family did not interfere and I was not influenced by anyone. However, fast forward one month I was not happy. I can easily mention the things here, but what’s the point. It won’t change the fact that I had the worst time in my life. And people barely noticed. So after another month, I realized that I can’t keep doing this to myself. That a person have limits. Learned that a person can’t tolerate shit for so long. And when this limit is reached, this is it. So we ended it. However, they all heard that he ended it apparently. Which was true, I started acting up and treating him the exact same way he has been treating me for 2 months now. And one week he could not stand it, and he said let’s end this. I thank Allah for this. I thank Allah because I didn’t lose who I was for a man. That I was smart enough to choose myself to refuse to change. And again we were not meant to be.
People who actually know him wouldn’t know why we broke up. I never told the people who know him how he treated me. Again what’s the point they don’t need to know it. My close friends know, I am not sure my parents and sisters know the details. But overall, I don’t think people have the right to know unless I choose to let them know. Right?

So I am sharing this now because it came to my notice that a family refused to let their son marry me because 10 years ago and 7 years ago I was engaged and it did not work out. So I am not good enough for them. His mother saw me and he said she told him that I smiled a lot, the onetime someone said that about me was a person who disliked me and was trying to cause problems for me. I believe because they can’t really see something they dislike about me so they mention what they noticed first. So when he said his mother told him this, deep down I knew she did not like me. Fast forward a week or so, he told me his family disapproved this. Because of the reason I mentioned. Gonna be fair about it his mother did talk to my mother to know why I broke off with my ex1 and ex2. Mama said that “they don’t know why we broke up and that قدر الله “ but I guess his mother wanted my mother to talk badly about my ex. If you know my mother you know she would never say bad things about people and she did not know the details anyway.
I do believe it was not meant to be. I am mad because I am disappointed. I am disappointed that people can easily judge someone without even knowing them or listening to them. I am not perfect, and I am not gonna say I have never done anything wrong in my life. I am not an angel. At first I thought I would talk to his mother one on one explaining things. But I am really glad I took my friend’s advice and actually waited for few days to understand my feeling.
I would never do this, explaining myself to someone who already built up an idea about me. I realized that I am not sad, I am mostly disappointed in him, in society and in people in general. This was not meant to be for reasons only Allah knows and I fully accept it.
الحمد لله 
I hope that if I ever got married and have kids I would never choose the one for them, I will let them choose and if it was a wrong choice they will be strong enough to face the consequence. People learn let them learn. Let them be who they are, and be with the one they want.

Again everything happen for a reason and I am a better person now.

P.S. he did try to talk to them but they wouldn't listen and he gave up eventually. so he did try a little. 
So please don't say bad things about him he is a good person. 
I wish him well. 
I am truly sorry for everything 


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Rock + Roll

Rock + Roll 

Hey I am back!!
I know it has been a long time and I promised that I will write frequently 
I am just a lazy person! 

I was not sure about what to write first 
I have so many things 
and I don't know if this is going to make sense to you

so please bare with me as I collect my thoughts and try my best 
to sound sane

First, what I am going to talk about might sound crazy  
I have a feeling that most of you might disagree 
so I would be really interested to hear your thoughts 

 We as human beings can't deny that most the time emotions control us
It might be a good kind of control 
or it might lead awful things that make you regret life 
Growing up, (and I think I said it before) I wanted everyone to like me
but it seems silly now
I realized this is impossible 
sometimes, I don't even like me
so I let my emotions control my thoughts 
and it goes down the hill 

However, I started to realize how I can change that 

I wanna tell you about how I used to be 
I used to care a lot about everything and everyone in my life 
like either I won't care at all about you 
or I would love you so much 
so this is basically and truly exhausting
I would care a lot about them 
so if they didn't talk back to me 
or if they didn't sound the same 
I would think that I did something wrong 
and I start to question everything 
let me tell you an example 
I once texted my friend 
she didn't reply and she always reply fast 
so I spent the next 6 hours or so 
remembering all the things I did or said to her
I almost cried cuze I did something and I thought it made her mad at me

turns out she was sleeping ,,, 
and I was an emotional roller-coaster for nothing ! 

I used to always ask about people 
I always try to get in touch 
I get upset if they did not reply
It makes me believe that they don't like me 
or that I am too much to be around! 

but recently I realized something 
I care too much 
I worry too much 
I think too much 
People are not the same 
They might care about you and love you 
but the way they show these feelings are not the same 

I remember once I said hi to this person and she immediately said that I changed 
you know why?
because I used to alway ask about her
Until I got bored of doing that
I asked myself Alyaa you always say hi
maybe she just doesn't care that much about you 
my reply was "but you never ask about me"
she said nothing ! seriously she just changed the subject 
imagine how upset I was! 

I understand people are busy 
people change ( I did) 
but If you care about someone you will not just wait for them to always approach you
you will treat them the same way they treat you 
but people take that for granted 
and this is why relationships ends 
because one of them basically stopped caring 
and the other one stopped fighting for it

So when I treat people with the same level of care they show me 
they get upset!
literally like they would ask "Alyaa what's wrong ?"
"nothing I am just tired of being the one who always care more"
So this is how a lot of people who were close to me are not anymore

I stopped fighting for them
I stopped caring 
I couldn't help it 
It is exhausting 

People are exhausting 
relationships (any kind of relations) can drain your soul
because we always want the same level of care
so when we don't get the same 
we start thinking 
getting tired   
and so on

I got that now, if you really care about someone 
it is okay to ask about them 
but if they don't do the same 
it is just sad 
People are busy but one moment is all it takes to say "hi"

So to sum things up 

I used to get upset when people don't show they care
I used to be really sad
I used to fight for them 

Now I don't 
I automatically treat them the same way they treat me
and once before people said that if you love someone you will keep fighting for her/him
but If I don't see the same in return 
if I am always the one who fight 
I will always wonder maybe they don't care 
maybe they don't want me in their life
and I will keep thinking and thinking 
and as I said it will just tire you out 
Therefore, I stopped caring 
which leads to stop overthinking about them 
which rest my overwhelming emotions and poor brain  
So I just want to live life without all of that 
Enjoy the few people who actually show me the love and care I show them 

Note that I had no idea what to name this post 
and I remembered EDEN's Song 

" No I ain't scared of living
Cuze it's all we've got
what are we breathing for if we ain't living  
and I don't want your love
I just wanna feel like I'm still living"

The End. 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Just Do It


They say this phrase like it is such an easy thing
If you want something "just do it" 
but "just do it" could be so damn hard to "do it" 
I did it though it took me a long time 
 I lost 10 kg in one year yay me 

In January 2017 
I thought I was overweight but I guess my BMI was in normal range 
however that time I reached my highest wight 
and I thought okay danger zone 
you are getting close to being overweight 

You should know that for the past 6 years I have been going to the gym
on and off 
losing weight gaining weight 
Even when I was going to the gym 
I kept the same diet 
so no major changes 

From January to June 
went to the gym almost daily
first two months with a personal trainer 
no special diet
I cut out the junk food only 
I lost slowly so maybe around 4 kgs !

In July my friend helped me with a diet and workout
strictly diet for two months or so
anyway I lost around 5 KG in 2 months

so you see my point DIET is an important thing 

Now I am not strictly following a diet
but my breakfast is always 
and mostly my lunch and dinner are healthy food

but I do eat what I want sometimes
so all good


First, you need to understand this, losing wight being healthy 
is not a thing to do for few months till you reach your target 
and that is it 
this is a lifestyle forever till you die *evil laugh* 
so prepare your self mentally first
YOU CAN DO IT but you need to take things slow first
Learn a way to balance your meals watch what you eat 
if you are into counting calories count them
maybe cut down junk food 
Because dieting is a main thing 
it is very important when it comes to losing weight 

I am not going to say go daily to the gym
start by going 3 to 4 times a week
learn to focus on a muscle each day 
so upper body 
lower body 
core & abs
Don't go to the gym and work on all machines and go back home
Do Cardio 
obviously best time for this is on an empty stomach in the morning 
but since I am a lazy sloth
I do 20 to 40 minutes after working out
Later you can go daily to the gym 
believe me this way you will actually fall in love with the gym
I even go on FRIDAYS 
I mostly do bodybuilding workouts and I noticed it actually helped more 
than doing other things 
but then maybe it is just me 
I do a 5 minutes warm up on any cardio machines 
you can warm up by using light weights in your workouts 
Remember to always stretch after working out and focus on the muscles you trained 

Now everything you want these days is online 
read and read
read about losing weight in a healthy way
read about bodybuilding 
read to know and understand what your body needs 
if you truly understand it you will figure out what you need 
you can search and see workouts that you can do
watch videos on how to do them 
IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT to workout right
focus on technique and position 
if you do it wrong you might end up hurting yourself 
so educate your brain 
if you trying new workout with weights 
learn to do it right first then add weights 
so ya read more and learn 

Your health is important 
you can have one of those apps that will help you counting your water intake
I used this website to help counting how much I need to drink 
take multivitamins 
I advice you do a full blood test to see if you need to focus on something 
but otherwise take multivitamins supplements 
you can google it like I did and see what is best to take
again I say meals is important don't miss any

I can share with you my routine but honestly I am not a trainer 
I eat McDonalds at least once a month 
I also keep changing my workouts 
I still google more workouts 
changing helps not to get bored 
As a start you can ask for help from a trainer 
someone to help you with diet
But when you learn to do it by yourself 
you will make it easier to keep doing it
to keep staying healthy 
because you is the only one you need
if you rely on others to help 
for a while it is okay 
but then when you understand it better
rely on yourself 
Because at the end you will always be there for you

People might disagree with what I say but it is okay 
it is like when you ask different trainers they all have their own methods
but this was how I did it 
الحمد لله 

Feel free to ask anything I will do my best to help  

Friday, January 19, 2018

Meant to be

I am not sure how you will feel about reading this
some might disagree some might agree
In real life few people actually said "but this crazy"
"fight for what you want"
but what if what I want is not good for me? 

okay enough with that long intro 
in this post I want to talk about something I believe in 
here it goes 
"if it meant to be, it will be" 
"Everything happen for a reason" 

you get it, right?

In all these years that I lived on this earth I never ever asked myself
why this is happening to me?
even when I was at my lowest time
times I thought maybe death would be better than living
I still don't remember asking " why god why me"

easy example of this
Let's say I planned for something and then it did not happen
I obviously get upset 
but then I tell myself 
it is okay 
it was not meant to be 
and I move on
which is pretty good cuze I don't feel sad for long 
cuze I truly believe in that

Another easy example, deciding to do something let's say 
when I got sick and I had to see a doctor 
I went with the first one that consulted me
they all asked why and get other opinion
my answer was but she was the only one with free appointment time for me 
so it was meant to be 
I actually ended up consulting other doctors cuze you know your health matter
but they all said the same so I went back to her
but deep inside I never actually considered going to another doctor 
As I believed she was meant to be my doctor 

Everything that happened in my life shaped me somehow
now moving on to complicated thing
This is a little bit personal so enjoy 

I was engaged before 
and in our religion we do the "estekhara / استخاره" prayer 
and I did 
and everything happened quickly 
I was about to get married in 5 months 
then I realized this is not what I want
not to bore you with details 
but he was not the right person for me
and this is when I thought the worst
like I will never be enough 
that I will never be someone that you can love
but I told myself this is it 
you have to live this way 
this is meant to be
but at one point I woke up and said to myself 
this is meant to make me stronger 
this is meant to make me see things better
this is meant to make me realize 
I deserve better
so long story short 
we broke up 

And I never ever asked why this happened to me
I truly never did 
cuze this changed me 
I am now a better person 
so it was meant to be 
my heart meant to be broken 
to get better 
to get stronger 
I will probably answer to
"if you could change a thing in your past what would it be"
with nothing 
cuze everything happen for a reason 

A friend of mine had same experience and all she kept saying
is why me why god 
what did I do to deserve that 
I tried once to explain to her why 
she said but we prayed why would god do that to us
and to be honest I explained to her why 
so we learn from our mistakes 
so we be a better us 
and all things above 
she did not see it 
and went back to asking why god
and it actually made her sad for something she couldn't change

I don't want to write more I hope you get it 
don't chase hope-less things 
if a thing is good in your life 
it will stay in your life
if a thing is bad 
it will not stay it was not meant for you 
and you need to learn how to let it go
be wise to see the hidden things in your life 
the good things that came out of bad things 
hope that make sense 

 As we say 
عسى ان تكرهوا شيئا وهو خير لكم وعسى ان تحبوا شيئ وهو شراً لكم
والله يعلم و أنتم لا تعلمون

You may hate a thing although it is good for
and may love a thing although it is evil for you 
Allah knows, and you do not 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

This thing I hate about me

I was really hesitated if I should write about this
like what will be the point
it is a sad thing
not funny 
you guys probably will hate this 
here it goes  


So overthinking and I are in good relationship 
It started when I was pretty young and idiot with a big imagination
I can’t help it
The worse thing is that I don't only I think about things that happened 
My damn brain actually likes to imagine things that did not happen 
Let’s say I was about to do something !
 Okay like chill brain for now at least .. when it happens think about it
But no that bastard starts making up different scenarios about how that thing will go 
And obviously all of them are negative things
These things includes conversations, actions and every single thing that could happen  
And then next day nothing happens 
or what happens is totally okay no problems nothing
so i am like wtf brain you made me worry for hours  
Why you do this to me !?

After all of these years of this abusive relationship with my overthinking! 
I still can’t let it go! 
I can’t break up with it 
I tried but seriously it is hard! 
And with a brain like mine “a creative one” it is the worse 
 Most of my overthinking involves drama like it should be a movie or tv show..
 maybe a musical (that’s cooler)
These days overthinking also includes me overthinking about events or plans
 Like if we plan something for next week I will start thinking about things that might happen and ruin this plan! 
I am Not kidding who does that! 

Also we have a child, called worrying
I worry so damn much
 Sometimes, or let me say most of the times my worrying is unnecessary and pointless
  If i call someone and they don’t answer and they don’t call me back 
I begin to worry what if something happened to them
 what if they are mad at me (although i did nothing ) and then this power of worrying and overthinking destroys me slowly
I try remembering everything that I said
everything that happened 
to figure out if that person is mad at me
 until they call back and be like “ i was taking a nap” 

ugh ! 

So I worry and overthink
About everything 
I can't overcome this 
so damn you brain

I decided to do something about it though 
I keep saying I am too old for this! 
And this thing has been going on for too damn long time 
I decided not to overthink and worry with the help of my tv shows 
Basically keeping my brain busy with complicated tv shows 
Or just take a damn nap if i am tired. 
hmm this might work but I doubt it to be honest 

Anyway I am pretty sure you hated reading this 
cuze I hated writing it 
it is frustrating 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year !

New year New Me 


First post of 2018 

whoever is reading this
my fans
 ( yes I like to think that I have fans) 

It is that time of the year
The beginning of something
 The time when all of you say " New Year New Me"
Most of you start writing goals and resolutions to achieve in it 
Most of you then forget about these goals in February 

I am trying to remember what kind of goals I set for myself on 2017 
The thing is I only told myself that I would be a healthier person on 2017 
That I will reach 64 KG by the end of it
I ended up reaching my goal
That's good right?

Anyway, if you ask what are my goals this year, I would say nothing 
This year I want to live in the moment 
I don't want to think 
I don't want to plan things 
call me lazy I don't care
This year will be the year I do whatever makes me happy
This year I will be selfish 
I will put Alyaa above everything else
I am so tired of worrying about people
worrying about things I can't control 
cuze what's the point I can't change things 
What I should do is worry about the things I can control 
My happiness 
I am not going to be a bitch and not care about my friends and family 
I will 
If I can help 
I will
But I won't let it take over me

People keep saying do this and do that ( business projects) 
I don't feel like it
Just cuze everyone is having their own business ( probably related to food burgers, cake, blah blah) 
That does not mean we all should do that
also note: STOP WITH THE BURGER BUSINESS seriously enough is enough 
and what's up with the whole Bbq basket thingy 
you all are so damn lazy to prepare for a Bbq 
People also keeps praying that I will be married by the end of this year 
and I say MEH
I wish they pray for my happiness more than getting married
Yes I am old 
but that does not mean I MUST get married and settle down 

I am happy the way my life is now 
I have a job 
I have a monthly Salary that I DO MY BEST TO SAVE 
but it just keeps flying SMH
I will enjoy this year 
I will buy all the things that make me happy 
Also I will try and give more to charities 
volunteer more
be healthier 
go to the gym more ( and no injuries PLZ) 

I will do try to write more I promise 
but then I am lazy so 

So if you reading this, let me know if you have any goals for 2018 

and again happy new year !