Saturday, May 7, 2016

The art of saying no!


Just a simple word it seems. But I had a hard time learning to use it!
Let me start with an old story about something that happened in which I did not say no.

Years ago when I was in college, I had an exam. So smart me thought to study half of the materials before the exam and study the rest on the same day. I told you Smart !

Anyway walked into class and on the first break I was ready to study that part. When my classmate came to me and said: Alyaa can you explain to me this thingy?
What I really wanted to say was: Sorry I have to study the rest of this ! 
But what I said was: Sure 
And lucky me (NOT) it took me the whole break to explain to her. So I got a D on that exam in this course that all my other grades were Bs or As. Because as I said lucky me most of the questions were from this part that I did not study.

So I hope you got my point here. I told myself, damn it girl just say no.
It was hard at first because I felt bad whenever I refused to help a friend. But it was for good reasons.

To help you let me tell you how I did it.

I ask myself whenever someone ask me for help.
Will it affect my daily tasks other important appointment , if yes then I don't do it and say NO sorry can't do.

If it is not affecting my daily important things in life, I ask myself is this person not able to do it or just lazy. ( believe me sometimes people tell you to do things that they can do but are lazy to or want to do something else) if yes then I say NO.

When it won't affect my daily important plans and when that person is hopeless then I smile and say yes.

Finally if anyone knows how to SAY NO TO FOOD,,, Please let me know! 



  1. I also used to find it quite hard to say no. I just didn't want to be rude. Now I ask myself the same thing you ask yourself.

    P.S. I'm yet to find out how to say no to food

  2. It's been a long time since I last read one of your posts.

    I have learned how to say no to food, i lost 11kgs and still counting. Done this in 60 days.

    Let me know if you want me to tell you how I did it.

    Yet I still do not know how to say no no to people.

    Perhaps you can teach me.
